The study of a borehole quasi-static current field boundary value problem in inhomogeneous media is one of the classic problems in electrical logging. 利用稳恒电流场与静电场的对偶性,通过几个例子,求解均匀大块导电介质的电阻计算问题,探讨了建立物理模型应该注意的问题。
The quasi-static problem of magneto-elastic in sold media 固体介质磁弹性的准静态问题
First, the penalty finite element balance equation for quasi-static problem is obtained by the application of Galerkin weighted residual method and the introduction of penalty parameter. 首先,采用伽辽金加权余量法推导有限元平衡方程,利用罚方法得到求解拟静态问题的罚有限元公式。